The plan is based on 6 points:
1 - The creation of an investment fund for milk quality. This fund will allow dairy farms to improve milk quality, optimize animal welfare, study the genetic resistance to diseases, strengthen food safety and reduce antibiotic use.
2 - Develop a logo for fresh milk and UHT produced in Italy "100% Italian".
3 - The creation of a Dairy Interprofessional Organization, following France and Spain models.
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5 - Promote the consumption through institutional campaigns as "Latte nelle scuole" (Milk at school) Project which will reach one million of children.
6 - Support exports and protect milk from fraud of the great Italian DOP cheese makers.
ZEULAB products have been present in the Italian dairy market for more than 10 years, helping the Italian diary industry to control raw materials and assure food safety. Specifically Eclipse, a test for detection of antibiotics in milk and IC kits for the detection of adulterations in milk.
The latest product, specifically designed for this market, is the IC Buffalo kit that determines the presence of cow's milk in buffalo's milk. This kit ensures that the milk used in "Mozzarella di bufala campana" is 100% buffalo´s milk and is not adulterated with cow's milk.